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Plusieurs articles ont été rédigés au sein de notre équipe. Voici ci-dessous les liens vers ces publications

Cardinal, É., Bilodeau, K., Lebeau, J., Aubin, M., Guiné, J., Dutey-Harispe, O., Delage J, Caron-Trahan R, Landry M, Ogez, D. (2024). Cultivating Comfort: Examining Participant Satisfaction with Hypnotic Communication Training in Pain Management. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 17, 2973–2987
Ogez D, Landry M, Caron-Trahan R, Jusseaux A-E, Aubin M, Veroneau J, Fournier V, Godin N, Idrissi M, Rainville P, and Richebé Ph. (2024). Make me more comfortable: Effects of a hypnosis session on pain perception in chronic pain patients. Frontiers in Psychology.
Caron-Trahan, R., Javaux, AE, Aubin, M, Cardinal, E., Urbanowicz, R, Rainville, P., Richebé, Ph, Ogez, D. (2024). Practicing self-hypnosis to reduce chronic pain: A qualitative exploratory study of HYlaDO. British journal of pain, 18 (1), 28-41.
Abstracts from the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 74th Annual Conference
Ogez, D., Baussard, L. (2023). Demystifying Hypnosis, Demonstrating Its Use in Oncology ClinicsDémystifier l’hypnose et démontrer son implantation en Clinique d’oncologie. Psycho-oncologie, 17 : 1-10.
Geagea D, Ogez D, Kimble R, Tyack Z. (2023). Redefining hypnosis: A narrative review of theories to move towards an integrative model. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 1-16.
Geagea D, Ogez D, Kimble R, Tyack S (2023). Demystifying hypnosis: Unravelling facts, exploring the historical roots of myths, and discerning what is hypnosis. Complementary therapy in clinical practice (52).
Bissonnette J, Dumont E, Pinard AM, Landry M, Rainville P, Ogez D. (2023). Hypnosis and music interventions for anxiety, pain, sleep and well-being in palliative care: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Support Palliat Care, 13 ; 503-5014.
Dumont, É, Ogez, D, Nahas, S, El-Baalbaki, G (2023). The use of hypnosis during the perinatal period : A systematic review. International Journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis.
Levesque, A, Béliveau, J, Ogez, D, Marcil, V, Curnier D, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D, Sultan, S. (2022). Do problem-solving skills help mitigate emotional distress through perceived control and self-efficacy in parents of children with cancer ?Psycho-oncology.
Caron-Trahan, R, Jusseaux, AE, Aubin, M, Urbanowicz, R, Richebé, R, Ogez, D. (2022). Definition and refinement of HYlaDO, a self-hypnosis training program for chronic pain management : A qualitative exploratory study. Explore.
Bissonnette, J, Pierre, S, Duong, ATJ, Pinard, AM, Rainville, P, Ogez, D. (2022). Development of a mixed hypnosis and music intervention program for the management of pain, anxiety, and well-being in end-of-life palliative care. Frontiers in Pain Research.
Zarglayoun, H., Arbour, C, Delage, J, Pierre, S, Tremblay, M, Hjeij, D, Rainville, P, Ogez, D. (2022). How fast can nurses learn therapeutic communication skills ? A pilot study on brief hypnotic communication training. Psycho-oncologie.
Aramideh J, Ogez D, Rondeau É, Duval M, Sultan S. (2022). Development and refinement of Rel@x:A training in hypnosis-derived communication for pediatric nurses to prevent procedural pain. British Journal of Pain.
Lamore K & Ogez, D. (2022). Comment mener une recherche interventionnelle en psycho-oncologie ? Développement, évaluation et implémentation en pratique clinique. Psycho-Oncologie, 16:166–172.
Ogez, D, Aramideh J, Rondeau E, Mizrahi T, Charest M.-C, Plante C, Duval M, Sultan S. (2022). Développement et évaluation d’un programme d’entraînement à la communication hypnotique à destination des infirmières en oncologie pédiatrique : la formation Rel@x. Psycho-Oncologie, 16 (1), 199-205.
Zarglayoun, H., Arbour, C, Delage, J, Pierre, S, Tremblay, M, Hjeij, D, Rainville, P, Ogez, D. (2022). How fast can nurses learn therapeutic communication skills ? A pilot study on brief hypnotic communication training. Psycho-oncologie.
Aramideh J, Ogez D, Rondeau É, Duval M, Sultan S. (2022). Development and refinement of Rel@x:A training in hypnosis-derived communication for pediatric nurses to prevent procedural pain. British Journal of Pain.
Bissonnette J, Dumont E, Pinard A, Landry M, Rainville P, Ogez D. (2022). Hypnosis and music interventions for anxiety, pain, sleep and well-being in palliative care: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. March 2022.
Lamore K & Ogez, D. (2022). Comment mener une recherche interventionnelle en psycho-oncologie ? Développement, évaluation et implémentation en pratique clinique. Psycho-Oncologie, 16:166–172.
Ogez, D, Aramideh J, Rondeau E, Mizrahi T, Charest M.-C, Plante C, Duval M, Sultan S. (2022). Développement et évaluation d’un programme d’entraînement à la communication hypnotique à destination des infirmières en oncologie pédiatrique : la formation Rel@x. Psycho-Oncologie, 16 (1), 199-205.
Leblanc, R., Ahmad, I, Terra, R, Boudreault-Pednault, J., Delisle, J.-S., Bambace, N., Bernard, L., Cohen, S., Kiss, T., Lachance, S., Landais, S., Lemieux-Blanchard, E., Ogez, D., Lamore, K., Roy, D.-C., Sauvageau, G., Sebag, M., Roy, J.(2022). Outcomes in newly diagnosed young or high-risk myeloma patients receiving tandem autologous/allogeneic transplant followed by bortezomib maintenance: a phase II study. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 57(2):252-260.
Berube, S., Ogez, D., Aramideh, J., Amesse, C, Bourque, C.J., Longpré, C., Muise, L., Levesque, A., Sultan, S. (2021). It’s difficult to say no: Development of a parenting booklet about physical activity restrictions and recommendations in pediatric hemophilia. Health Psychology Open, 8(2), 1-10.
Hjeij, D., Bilodeau, K., Ogez, D., Tremblay, M., Lavigne, G., Rainville, P., Arbour, C. (2021, accepté). Nurses' perception of the integration of an innovative intervention inspired by clinical hypnosis during chemotherapy treatments at the outpatient oncology unit. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal.
Hjeij, D., Bilodeau, K., Ogez, D., Tremblay, M., Lavigne, G., Rainville, P., Arbour, C. (2021, accepté). Nurses' perception of the integration of an innovative intervention inspired by clinical hypnosis during chemotherapy treatments at the outpatient oncology unit. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal.
Morisson, L., Laferrière-Langlois, P., Carrier, M., Pagé, G., Godbout, C., Fortier, L.-P., Ogez, D., Létourneau, G., Jarry, S., Denault, A., Fortier, A., Guertin, M.-C., Verdonck, O., Richebé, P. (2021). Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthesia on neurocognitive disorders in elderly patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery: a trial protocol The POEGEA trial (POncd Elderly GEneral Anesthesia). Plos One.
Ogez, D., Péloquin, K., Bertout, L., Bourque, C.-J., Curnier, D., Drouin, S., Laverdière, C., Marcil, V., Ribeiro, R., Rondeau, E., Sinnett, D., Sultan, S. (2021). Taking back control together: Definition of a new intervention designed to support parents confronted with childhood cancer. Cogent Medicine, 8(1) ; 1-11.
Dewez, S., Laurin, C., Ogez, D., Bourque, C-J., Curnier, D., Laverdière, C., Lévesque, A., Marcil, V., Sinnett, D., Sultan, S. (2021). Elaboration and refinement of a motivational communication training program for healthcare professionals in pediatric oncology: a feasibility and acceptability study. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: an Open Access Journal, 9(1) ; 220-238.
Ogez, D., Aramideh, J., Mizrahi, T., Plante, C., Charest, M.C., Duval, M., Sultan, S. (2020). Does practicing hypnosis-derived communication techniques by oncology nurses translate into reduced pain and distress in their patients? An exploratory study. British journal of pain, 1-8.
Aramideh, J., Ogez, D., Mizrahi, T., Plante, C., Charest, M.C., Duval, M., Sultan, S. (2020). Do professionals change their communication behaviors following a training in hypnosis-derived communication? A feasibility study in pediatric oncology. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 52, 1-8.
Ogez, D., de Timary, Ph., Madalena, F., Gundermann, N., VanMaanen, A., Zech, E. (2019). Does proposing a systematic encounter with the psycho-oncologist after the announcement of cancer promote further psychological consultations? A randomized controlled trial. Psycho-oncologie, 13:136-143.
Ogez, D., Péloquin, K., Bertout, L., Bourque, C.-J., Curnier, D., Drouin, S., Laverdière, C., Marcil, V., Ribeiro, R., Rondeau, E., Sinnett, D., Sultan, S. (2019). Definition and improvement of the concept and tools of a psychosocial intervention program for parents in pediatric oncology: A mixed-methods feasibility study conducted with parents and healthcare professionals. Pilot and feasibility studies, 5 (20), 1-14.
Ogez, D., Péloquin, K., Bertout, L., Bourque, C.-J., Curnier, D., Drouin, S., Laverdière, C., Marcil, V., Ribeiro, R., Rondeau, E., Sinnett, D., Sultan, S. (2019). Psychosocial Intervention Programs for Parents of Children with Cancer: A Systematic Review and Critical Comparison of Programs’ Models and Development. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical setting, 1-25.
Bonanno, M., Ogez, D., Bourque, CJ, Sultan S. (2018). The role of pediatric psychologists in the transition of youth to adult health care: A descriptive qualitative study of their practice and recommendations. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical settings, 1-11.
Bonanno, M., Ogez, D., Bérébé, S., Laverdière C., Sultan, S. (2018). Comment les psychologues pédiatriques se représentent la transition au milieu adulte ? Une étude qualitative sur les facilitateurs et les obstacles perçus. Pratiques psychologiques, 24, 239-256.
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